

21岁的柯蒂斯·林顿想成为一名工程师. 他喜欢踢足球. So when he was recruited by head coach Sean MacDonnell to play for 主要研究, 林惇知道他找到了自己的位置. Yes, he’d been recruited by other schools, but they wanted him to focus 100 percent on football. Majoring in engineering would take too much of his time and attention, they feared.

“Coach Mac was the only one who would give me a chance to do both,林顿说. “来到这里是我做过的最好的决定之一.”

“The 麦克奈尔 program has helped me to apply the tools I get from classes and learn in a more productive manner."

但是在大一的第一个学期,林顿病了. 他减了大约30磅. He wasn’t prepared for the New Hampshire winter, for it being so dark and so cold. “在这里,你穿得很冷,”他说. Coming into his second semester, he was struggling physically and academically. 等到春假到来的时候, 林惇 was failing one course and had two Ds and a C in the other three.

“没有人知道,我妈妈不知道,我的教练也不知道. It was tough; I’d always done well in school,” the Newark, Delaware, resident says. “But then I turned it around and ended the semester with an A, a B and two Cs. 从那以后,我的平均成绩一直在上升.”


改变成绩使林顿有资格成为一名 麦克奈尔的永利app新版本官网地址, which, among other things, requires qualified students to have a minimum 3.0的绩点. Part of the federally funded TRIO program that honors the memory of the late Challenger astronaut and noted laser physicist Ronald E. 麦克奈尔, the program offers outreach and student services to give undergraduates a competitive edge when applying to graduate school and prepare them for success in their pursuit of a doctoral degree. 林顿于2018年秋季与该项目签约.

“The 麦克奈尔 program has helped me apply the tools I get from classes and learn in a more productive manner,林顿说.

在夏天, 林惇, 他是全国黑人工程师协会的成员, was one of 15 students to present their research at the 主要研究 麦克奈尔的永利app新版本官网地址 research symposium. 在那次事件之后, he traveled to California and shared his work on a weightless exercise system for outer space with students and experts at UCLA.

When he was growing up, math and science were things 林惇 did for fun. He liked them and was good at them and knew he wanted a career in the 阀杆 field. 现在,作为一个 机械工程 主要, he is looking beyond a bachelor’s degree; he thinks he’d like to teach one day as a way to give back some of what has been given to him.

“刚进入永利app新版本官网地址时,我对博士学位没有具体的理解.D. ”林顿说. “我不知道它是以研究为中心的. 这对我很有吸引力. 我不介意成为博士. 林惇.”

杰里米Gasowski | 主要研究营销 | 杰里米.gasowski@microupgrade.net | 603-862-4465