Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology
Close up view of a computer keyboard. Three keys are light blue. One has a symbol of a person in a wheelchair. One has a symbol for assistive listening. One has a symbol of a person walking with a cane.

Assistive technology (AT) refers to devices, 设备, and software that are used to assist people with disabilities to perform tasks more easily or independently. 学生 registered with Student Accessibility Services (SAS) can meet with the Assistive Technology Specialist to discuss what types of AT they may be eligible for and receive training on how to utilize such products to access their curriculum.  We provide support with text-to-speech and speech-to-text software, screen readers, note-taking solutions, visual magnifiers, assistive listening systems, and apps for academic access. SAS can help students determine what tools will best meet their needs. 

Student using phone

Apps for 学生

学习 more about free and low-cost apps for your device.

Smartpen on paper

Note Taking Support

学习 more about loans on a limited number of note taking devices and software, how to request a peer notetaker, or how to become a peer notetaker.

The UNH wildcat statue on a snowy day.

1-on-1 Support

Need some help on deciding what technology is best for you? Having trouble getting things to work on your device? We are here to support you! Set up a meeting with our Assistive Technology Specialist.